Point of View
Point of view.
It is only a point of view...
To understand...
The world and life...
Most of us can only see...
One view...
Our own...
Yet the viewers mind...
The poetic mind...
Can see all...
I can see that you...
Are conflicted...
I know you...
Although, I do not express...
Myself in the ways you wish...
I know you...
And I understand...
For I am not your capturer...
We are equal...
On the same ground...
My trust in you...
Is as strong as my...
I see a beautiful woman...
That is in despair...
Her eyes give it away...
Somehow, I can see through her...
Her defenses...
Maybe she has none...
But I know she does...
Maybe if I just listen...
I can understand...
I can learn more...
Of this beauty...
At least I can be close...
For I am drawn to her...
Like fate...
Now it comes to me...
The mind of the poet...
The darkest mind...
Maybe, the truest...
What do I think...
What is behind the veil...
I see a beautiful woman...
As I always have...
I know her...
I understand her...
So I know her intentions...
And respect her decisions...
Even if they are different...
From my words...
Yes, she instinctively...
Can capture a man’s heart...
She can seemingly cast a spell...
Then use it...
For her advantage...
But that is only because...
We are weak...
She may lie...
She may deceive...
She may control...
To what she wishes...
But do we submit...
Or do we question her demands...
I say we question her...
For it is her decision...
Not of any one man...
She must choose...
Those left among the dust...
Will count our blessings.