Political Correctness Brings Spiritual Weakness
Political Correctness Brings Weakness!
In our country’s pursuit of “political correctness…”
We’re not in a position of strength… But weakness!
It’s like you can’t hardly say anything anymore…
And you find yourself outside the courtroom’s door!
We may think we’re strong… But we’re weakened!
You may ask; “how could all of this happen???”
We’ve attempted to replace God with a “new morality.”
This has brought a new generation of “moral depravity.”
We bend our laws to what is called; “constitutional.”
And forget about what is truth! And what is biblical!
Even the ten commandments are often ridiculed and scorned.
As a great rise of ungodly living has been formed!
A tide of sexual perversion is what has taken place!
Bringing into my homes, much heartache and disgrace!
God’s truth is often “thrown out,” and avoided!
While a “new kind of living” has often been decided!
We need YOU Jesus! Now! More than ever before!
Our sins, on the old rugged cross, is what he bore!
Jesus is the answer to our problems! He is the solution!
His blood can take away all of the sinful pollution!
Please dear lord, touch and convict us with your power!
Please heal this nation! We need YOU this hour!
By Jim Pemberton 09/30/13