Love Poem: Polyamory


It is possible
It is possible to fall in love with two beating hearts at the same instant.
At a frequency so commensurate
In different seasons, for different thrilling reasons.

It is possible,
It is possible to feel no guilt in the hiding
No confusion, No frustrations.
Course it feels way too good than it is feeling right.
With one heart giving you a warm embrace that sees you through,
And the other one giving you a taming light burning as flame.

It is possible
It is  possible for two beating hearts to complete yours,
where both give it a real purpose to keep functioning.
And it is possible for your world to stop when either one makes its way out of your life.
And the whole equation to feel out of balance.

It is possible,
So spontaneous,
Without any plan it happens
Course you're just a Lover.

And love itself is infinite,
Love is complex,
Love is a boundless force.
And you are just dancing to the tune
The melody your heart created for you.

How then, is it wrong to love two hearts
if it is possible to fall for them?
How then, is it wrong if the scenario is valid
Course all these feelings are real?
why do I have to create limits?

Course it is possible,
Possible for a single heart to bond with two.
Now allow me to leave you with this question,
Since it is possible
Possible for one person to fall for more than one person,
Do you allow your heart that freedom
Or do you leave it in denial?