Love Poem: Polypathic Universes
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Polypathic Universes

Open polynomial eco-metric universes,
please, not closed,
but multiculturing systems
Zero-Core RealTime Care
for 4D GeoBalanced SpaceTime,
bilaterally harmonic now,
between past and future trending relationships,
WinWin, regenerational
WinLose, through
LoseLose, decompositional
through anti-compositioned.

History's regenerate cooperative
and decompositionally too-competitive commercialized YangDish,
speak together in fractal 
appositional octave spirals
of color and music and revolving seasons of health,
rather than dissonant, irregular, special case 
notnot polynomials of reverse-Yintegrity,
nondual co-arising dipolarity
rather than dualistic co-gravitating bipolar angers 
and monoculturing fears,
reweaving dualdark Sacred BlackLackedy 
Holistic integrity 
of potential ecological spacetime relationships
as regenerationally seen and heard,
smelled and tasted,
felt as sacred sensed,
nondual co-arising Tao-RealTime,
4D BiNomial
inviting even further Open EcoPolyPathic EgoSystems
of CoOperative (0)-Soul Integrity,
from which we all began,

born of Mother Earth
and Sacred Great Father SunLight,
Eulerian (0)-Core Prime Relational, 
fractal-DoubleBind Torus ReGenerational,
polyphonic homology of DNA
born of RNA regenerative WinWin ethology 
of Earth's HealthyWealth Optimization psychology,
DoubleBind Balancing
Right-Vacuous Universe NotNot (0)-Sum YinYiny
equals WinWin short through long term
polycultural sustained climaxing revolutionary 

Economic Yang climaxing 
(B. Fuller, as growing precessive)
Political WinWin co-gravitating,
nondual ego/eco-balancish,
(0) 4dimensional RealTime,
Here as also balancing Now, 
bilaterally past speed of FatherSun's Light 
through and for and of
Mother Earth's not quite foreseeable 
yet ecologically equivalent nutrition/toxicology 
Historic Nature-Convex/MetaPathic EnCulturationSpirit--
BiLaterally ConCavedy 
regenerative ego/ecoEarth-patriotic-democratic-multi-consciousness,
empathic co-awareness of shared light/dualdark tribal identity,
optimization of ecopolitically cooperative WinWin,
positive equals double-negative nondual integrity,
double-binding 4D pasts through (0)-Soul binomial-binary reverse-Bayesian CoArising EcoPolitical CQImprovisensational futures.

(0)Sum's YinYin Suffering, LoseLose
also brings (0)Soul Yang's Redemption, WinWin,
and every stumbling reforesting Eden project
Tipping Points of EcoPolitical Trustiology
in Ego/Eco-Conscious PolyCulturing EcoPolitical ReEducation,
regarding LeftBrain's historic creolization ecology
of patriarchally competitive violence,
and lesser forms of over-extending stressful dissonance,
sleep deprivation of dream therapy
from playing LoseLose Monopoly Games
when not bored during Anger Management Sessions
in a formerly BiCamerally Organicy Congress
of and for EcoPolitically Expanding Democracy,
as ReGenerative Natural Law Original 
First Native-Constitution Intended,
prayed for,
and of,
and to,
and with
Mother Earth's further Regenerative Gameology.

If metaphysically ecological pi
were ever to become metrically-systemically-dynamically equivalent
with physical (0)Core bilateral TaoTime Spaciation
then polynomial health trends
could nutritionally balance 
polypathic WinWin wealthy trendyology.

so it has been said
since atmospheric winds of healthy light
first blew across Earth's dualdark wealthy bright waterology.