Pondering Pride & Love
I realized that I so often write on the beauty of love
The wonderful joy that it brings into our lives
But as we all know, there is also the other side
The side when two people disagree on something
Be it big or be it small, it has the power to become large
The little things can destroy love
Like frozen water has the ability to split hard rock
The relationship between my wife and I, have faced -
Obstacles the size of the Grand Canyon
It is of my belief that pride is the worst enemy of love
And in all honesty pride is but a deceptive illusion, the father of lies
Please don’t get me wrong we have the right to have pride
In things we do and who we are
But it is imperative for us
To control that pride and not let it control us
Don’t fall prey to the illusion that you are better than others
We are all created equal; each of is a child of God
If I may offer some advice regarding a relationship
That will help yours nourish and grow
Put your pride in the one you love above your own
Because self pride or ego if you will, is the devils tool
In fact that is what got him cast out of heaven
I hold my wife in higher regard than I do myself
And she feels the same about me
And that makes it very easy for us to communicate
Which of course is the key to a healthy relationship
What she says means more to me that what I say
What I say means more to her than what she says
And that makes it very easy for us to stand on common ground
In admiration of each other