Porcupine Love
There was a girl that once loved me,
She was all furry like a kitten,
Ever cute, ever radiant she was,
I was the opposite,
I was covered with quills all over,
So rough and rugged like a King’s meadow that had turned to hay,
But drawn to each other were we,
We who knew no love,
I knew no love because I never loved myself,
I was my worst critic,
And she knew no love because no one showed her how to,
But drawn to each other were we,
Like unlike poles of a magnet,
And whenever we tried to touch, we repelled,
I was too much of a pain for her as she was for me,
So one by one, she plucked the quills off my body,
And each time, I felt the pain of having a part of me being removed,
But as soon as all my quills were gone,
Then, and only then did she realize,
That the time I had quills, was when I was the most beautiful,
Now with scars all over my body, she just remembered,
Marshmallows would’ve just been enough,
Enough to cover my flaws, so that we could love again.