Positive Powers
Divine energy,
dynamism ourselves
in right relationship
with diverse
and timeless sacred revolutionary environments,
folding and unfolding
passages through memories
of sacred bright
positive light
Divine light teaches
PositivEnergy restoring Love,
EarthJustice as Local through Global Peace
And NegativEnergy darkens punishing emotions
of anger
energy monoculturing Totalitarianism.
Love within
as sacred light without
associate democratic enlightenment, WinWin
while socioeconomic retribution reduces
seduces secularized darkness, LoseLose
festering negative double-binding
dualdark reiterations of Mutually Assured Destruction,
anti-ecological mundane ignorance,
absence of sacred love as joy,
wonder and awe,
celebrating ecstatic polyculturing outcomes
of and for sacred light's redevelopment.
What we teach
and learn
and listen
for Original Democratic Constitution-of-Energy Intent,
whether back in GoldenRule post-colonizing days,
or now,
in this Great BiCameral EnLightenment Transition Age,
we do better
to understand why
light is iconic of deep learning
bilateral-bionic sacred ecology
As we deep learn sacred ecology
is incompatible with LoseLose nihilism,
total darkness,
xenophobic fundamentalism,
fake religiosity,
fake conservation of pious PositivEnergy,
fake nationalistic patriotism
Reproducing rabidly overheated
overpopulation of monocultural nationalists
throughout all of polyculturing sacred Earth
Hubris of LeftBrain Patriarchal elite colonizers,
LeftBrain dominance over RightBrain sacred ElderWisdom,
Transitioning again toward sacred DNA-RNA political solidarity,
socioeconomic enlightening unity of all life forms and functions,
Democratic PositivEnergy Welfare,
health care,
giving from EgoLeftYang,
receiving back toward humble gratitudes of EcoRightYin,
Not not (0)-Core health-wealth balance within
secular/sacred regenerative Prime Relationships without,
dipolar more
and bipolar less
Where Polypathic Energy = +1
bilateral WinWin YangGroup Energy
and not(not Divinely PolyPhonic) = -/- LoseLose
(0)-Sum YinSquared Light,
Resilient consciousness
of Love StrongEnergy CoPresent
erupting from within DNA-Golden Rules of Balance
on back through RNA's prehistoric light/dualdark nurturing memories
of revolving MotherEarth's
Divine Light,
Sacred SunSpirit,
Anima Mundi,
Gaia CoOperative Ecology
restoring healthy peace
as wealth of ego/eco-justice.