Love Poem: Positivity
Radhika Shukla Avatar
Written by: Radhika Shukla


Its always the bad that makes you realize the importance of good.
Its the wrong that you commit, teaches you what’s right.
Its the not so important which makes you feel the importance of others.
Loneliness is the best moment when you got nothing to lose and only to gain.
The best can only exist when you know what worst is.
People come and go, miss the good times you spent with them and be happy.
Don't ask for anything from god, thank him for what he has given you.
Don't call anything a mistake, call it an experience.
Don't regret anything, but learn from what happened.
People who criticize you the most, love you the most.
Don't hate anyone, hatred only proves that you care. Indifference is the worst you can do to a person.
Always look for the good in anyone or anything around you.
Smile if anyone makes fun of you, they do it because they love you. 
Try and understand why a particular person is behaving in a particular way, everyone has reasons.
There are more important issues in life than worrying about who Ted's wife would be in HIMYM.
But that shouldn't worry you, everything falls into place ultimately.
Don't try to design your life, let it design you.
Don't worry about which college you will go to, worry about the internal you have to submit tomorrow.
Believe in god, he is there to help you out when no one is there.
Try explaining to people how you feel rather than rebelling, it will take time, but they will understand.
When your loved one says that they will never talk to you again, don't take them seriously, you are too precious for them that they'll leave you.
Its only when you are hurt, makes you realize the power of healing.
Always keep exploring things, this universe is full of surprises, you might not know when you will discover something interesting.
Be happy. Keep smiling. If you are reading this. It means that you already have someone to take care of you..... (ME)!!