today i think i'll write about the poor
not the ones lacking things they can't afford
but the poor in spirit who think they need more
so they can buy love of people they adore
money is'nt everything
you can't put feelings in every diamond ring
fancy party's and huge ball's
rarely show the meaning of it all
we all know that these are gifts
but what are they
when spirits they do not lift
a conceided attempt and act of fraud
a bribe for emotions to act the part
eventually the truth speaks to the heart
painfully the truth tears them apart
worth more dead than when alive
at the tender age of eighty nine
a hardened heart to keep from crying
an unsaved soul to keep from dying
the illusion of riches continuously lying
of the healing gifts they keep on applying
powerless they are to stop deneighing
for the love that they need
they just keep on trying
if only they knew where their real gifts are
their not in their pockets
but deep in their hearts