Poverty of Health
Unusually limited access
to health,
nutritional poetry,
liturgical dance,
and positive-restorative energy resources--
The four WealthFaces of liberal love.
Poverty of Health derives from
and heads toward:
Win/Lose survival pressures,
abscessed longing for peace revolutions,
NowTimed therapeutic resolutions,
HereSpaced restorations of democratic access
to healthy non-institutions.
Health/Pathology Resources derive from
and head toward:
An incarcerating,
retributive short-term fix against Fear
Sanctuary restoration
through long-term WinWin multilateral therapies
balancing ego- and eco-justice desires for peace
Peace derives from
and heads toward:
bicamerally ethological
not not polynomial
ZeroZone 4D RealTime
future-space/past-time paradise image integrity
Integrity derives from
and heads toward:
reversing trends in Figure 7.1
Racism and Mass Incarceration
Breed Fear,
in David Stroh's
Systems Thinking for Social Change.
Social Change derives from
and heads toward:
Win/Win economic/ecological cooperative game theory
not limited to simple bilaterally reiterative loops--
multicultural dilemmas of continuing poverty
rather than ecstasy
feel free to liberally love apply
For success of each multiculturing party,
without loss to any party.
Win/Win Game theory derives from
and heads toward:
At worst, a financial OR ecologically empowering/disempowering
flat-line of current poverty trajectory
predicting a slowdown of insufficient nutritional quantities
and nurturing qualities of love-life.
Love lives derive from
and head toward:
Both Win-x enumerated subjects
and Win-y denominator health objectives
may refer back to multiple specific language re-creation events (x)
and real world 4D sensory-neural collateral experiences (y),
Language events and internal experiences derive from
and head toward:
Where x could be polycultural narrative choice
and y might invite ZeroZone bilateral/bicameral balanced consciousness
enchanting/disenchanting systems
sanctuaries for dipolar/bipolar DominantLeft/RecessiveRight sojourners.
Sojourners derive from
and head toward DNA's prescriptions
for HealthyWealth,
4D WinterNorth
allied with SummerSouth,
NewBorn CoOperative East
with PostAdolescent Colonizing West
breathing in
as restoring out,
marching in
poverty of anthrocentric doubt,
supreme divinity.
Poverty derives from Yang hubris
and flows toward Yin's restoring WinWin
polypathic love's outrageous HereNow courage.