Love Poem: Power of Choice

Power of Choice

Who’s this kind fellow I’m beholding @ Facebook
Wearing a very nice apparel well-fitting for a Val Day’s
Am I a genuine brother to this good-looking lady
And hence where’d we quickly get to, to unite, 
Exchange some few words, and say a dedicatory prayer?

If we’d planned to get to a brothel house some inmates 
There’d come fast to us,

Why not forget all your norms, all raging storms
Get set your tents with some little cents, take these condoms
And wildly explore through whoredom?

Surf with gently your web browser, launch deep, find ex-friends 
Without measure, Oh the pleasure, the thrill, just enjoy the 

If we’d decided to get to the mosque, lo a most happy welcome
There’d await us; we’d get some water, wash our hands, our ear-lobes,
Our legs
We’d get in there with our earnest songs and prayers,
But remaining in separate quarters there’d be our sole choice
And too difficult a solemn task.

If we’d agreed to get to church ushers there’d smile with us
We’d hear the din of Jesus’ disciples who told the violent 
Blind man to live in silence, they might see us in a panorama 
Our blessings would seek to grab from us like clear manna, 
Distract our attention, retract our petition
While to God we express our real penitence;

And here do we stand to affirm our hearts desire
We wouldn’t relent in efforts our gifts to present, 
We’d call upon Christ, and surely get out from the mire.
We wouldn’t stay here long to stain the excellent aroma, 
On our gold, our frankincense, our myrrh.

As joy and gladness are partners together
May our friendship last forever; these two virtues may
We never miss: Hold my hands my dear, grant me a hug
My beloved, but I need on my cheeks first a holy kiss.