Precept Vs Concept
A fact is a fact in it’s own fact
while dwelling in it’s own fact
though not necessarily a fact
in the face of the greater fact
but indeed a fact
while in the body of it’s own fact!
A babe is a fact
as a babe in fact
but not an adult
in it’s fact.
Physical and
spiritual growth
are changes in lower facts…
as all change are made
at the level of the lower fact.
Love’s precept in fact
changes lower facts
lower facts, in fact
do not change Love’s fact!
Love in fact…
makes changes in the fact…
of His own body in fact…
taking it’s fact back…
into the greater fact’s sack…
rearranges, makes changes…
in His body’s lower fact.
When is a fact
not a fact?
A concept fact
is not a fact
while in the sack
of precept’s fact
and when apart from,
it’s essence of fact
All concept's facts
are only extensions
of a greater fact
but in fact are facts
while in the body of fact.
Be aware…in the world
some quacks pose as facts
apart from any-body of fact.
as a matter of fact,
they are not within the grace of fact.
While apart from their body in fact,,
the fact is a quack,
needs to be taken back,
into the sack of fact,
the precept equiped,
to redo the flip,
do not let Love slip.
Love's fact
at all levels are precept backed,
the same cannot be said of concept facts,
for sometimes apart from Love's body, they slack!!
"Essences of love are precept backed"