Precious Ability
The brain - the instincts -- the beauty-- the health - the years-- the courage. I thank him who "has all power" for these gifts by using them.!
The compassion- the creativity- the passion- the love, and the wisdom. I thank him for these gifts by sharing what I have with my fellow man.
All the gifts- All the attributes endowed unto me which allow me the power to act feel, and rise to the occasion. I will not wait for God to intervene.
When he has created me in his own image- and has sent me equipped with the armor to battle all the causes- and wars and atrocities did against my fellow man.
I have the precious ability to discern what is in front of me to do. I will not turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the misdoings -killings-and abuses done to any of his creations.
I will not determine what God's will is ...but as I know what my ears are for- and as I know what my teeth are for - I know also what he has equipped me to do-
And I certainly will not ignore the truth of any matter "for to ignore_ the truth is “Ignor -ance”.
No more than deception that keeps you in a trance-
Coward's waiting for God to do That which he sent hue-mans to do...
Whenever my creator sees me slipping; This question enters my mind and I paraphrase.
"How can you ignore your brother's suffering and say: "You love me whom you have never seen”?
Some people will give a" crippled crab a crutch" –
But will not speak up against the killings of blacks, children or the needy –
Nor will they even offer a "hungry human humus".
(that is old beans, for human beings).
A little pun for fun - yet seriously... we need to smile as we think about how we think.
My brain, my health, my wealth, and knowledge: My courage - my compassion and my passion; Should all (I pray), be used for the betterment, and the upliftment of my fellow man.
Where to start?
I start by looking in the closest corner to shine my light, as long as I have the precious ability to do so.
And when I am but a faded photo in the book of days gone,
I pray, that I have given someone the "precious ability to carry on" ...
To carry-on...