Precious Friend
Time and time again
Come to see..
my Precious friend
Oh how precious you are
For you shine like a star
You light up my life
Troubles disappear
out of sight
Whenever you are near
My Precious friend…
Oh how.. you make my world spin
How you make my heart a glow
Expressing words of Love tis shows
My Cup over flows
My Precious friend…
Oh what a wonder you are
For tis be.. I don’t even know
What you truly look like
But I do know..
Your heart shines ever so bright
Full of tender Love with delight
Every single day.. and night
You make my heart sing
Give me such Sweeet dreams
Wonder s of it all…
Will God allow us to partake
More togetherness in this life…
Our New beginings..
Love of sweetness makes
Without endings
Treasure my Precious Friend
God made you Beautiful
Just the way you are
Don't Ever change..
Tender-heated and Priceless