Pretty Face Pretty Face
pretty face pretty face
find your stride
time is fleeting and will soon disappear
ensure your character matches your beauty
think not yourself invincible
for fiery flames can take your face
and a few bad months your character
and a few bad years your soul
treat all women with respect
and all people with dignity
for each one has his day where they rise
and a cliff off which they may fall
you don't know what you do to people with your words
but worship at the tower of ice
and the sword will be your gain
little pink hearts will drift away
on rafts too small to carry them
take care that you don't break mere mortals spirits
for once they leave you can never regain their guidance
beware the cruel ones and the non smiling
for they alone can steal your faith
and gather love and compassion
for you are not the bright one that you think
the knowledge remains in other's eyes
for you to unlock at your bidding
goodbye dear friend, I cannot bid you any more words
I have to wish you well and pray that more sensitive souls never cross your path
and wish you hardened companions
to weather your tempests and inner spoils
good bye dear friend goodbye Rashid