Pretty Monica
The insatiable passion
inside our blood, out of control,
flowed quicker than a waterfall...
made us profoundly intense;
that determination, not to waste moments,
was affirmed by our earnest intention!
Where will I find pretty Monica?
She can't be replaced by witty Erica,
who forces me to forget...
until there'll be no memory left!
This sky was so crimson and cloudless,
a reminder of those evenings of tenderness;
now this boring rain pours down on that maple tree:
erasing everything we wrote on its bark;
and it even glowed like a star throughout the dark,
inviting us to spend a night...drifting in a dream!
Where will I find pretty Monica?
Even the beautiful face of Angelica
doesn't offer me hope and consolation;
she truly was the perfect woman in all creation!
I speak of a name so unheard by others,
and foolishly fall into the stranger's arms...
those cold arms that can't make me feel comfortable;
I cry out words that seem impossible
to be said in silence with certainty,
because nobody wants to hear them...except me!