Love Poem: Pride
Andrea Travis Avatar
Written by: Andrea Travis


Pride, dragging down 
Pulling into self absorbent 
Fantasies of a narcissistic
Self worth
This dark trait we share 
Over a cup of coffee 
Neither owning the sin
Love should be returned
Given freely and valued
Basis for all, my desire,
Your constant need to just 
Hear the words, or lies 
As they render your empty shell
Filled with a spoiled milk shake
The deepest feelings we have
Corrupted by one of the "seven"
Outer mirage, only a facade
No mask I wear for you
My inner beauty suppressed
By the idea that it exist within
My sin whispers to me
He can't do better
Knowing he can't, feeds me
Ways I have always craved
Adoration, the dream girl 
Never being that, settling for second
I can't go on living lies inside 
My own soul, owned by God 
Alone, content, me and my 
Pride wrapped in an others arms
His pride, its dark beauty
Cuts the head off mine
long ago hurts, a damaged man
Using that pride for defense
Meanwhile, sucking out no 
Emptiness, only your own bile