Love Poem: Primal Operas
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Primal Operas

All conversations,
like harmonic music,
practice rhetoric's resonant enculturation
with mutual communicating hope,
sometimes even love.

All evolutionary integrational spirals 
practice nurturing encultured healthy trends
with spirited hope, intent, faith;
and within great evolution's transitional climatic revolutions,
often even love.

All nutritional recycling events,
divinely humane co- as eco-repurposers,
nurture open-loop polyculturing regenerations,
emerging healthy local through global hope,
positive political intent,
economic cooperative faith;
and, PostMillennially,
balanced nurturing permacultural love
of organic nested root system landscape development networks,
both on- and off-line,
with arts and craftsy ZeroEgo Optimization Zones.

All discernment practices languaged enculturation,
with enculturing hope, active climaxing love,
faith in Gandhian wealth of nondually co-arising healthy outcomes.

All prime information strings within networks practice dialectal flow
as rhetorically YangPositive AND YinYin double-negative
temporally and neurally aptic,
mutually inductive dipolar function,
with hope for less noise as dissonance
and pathological absence of prime-bicameral Left-Right communication.

All love practices communication
enculturing healthy faith in wealth of active regeneration,
EgoLeft as EcoEarth's Right
to live Tao balance proportions of symmetry,
Tipping MidWay Points
gleaming sunlight's reflection off Earth's transparent skin
toward Alpha through (0)Mega Primal Points
ecoconscious bicameral lights
displaying Ego's big stage for song and dance
rhetorical campaign events,
each interdependent aria 
comprising EarthTribe's Opera.