Prince Prose
Talk to me… Prince Prose
Your Treasure-Tongue, will Know
What to Speak and When
… let Your Penchant for Poignant Begin…
Speak to me… Prince Prose
Promises, so Powerful, They Show
Passages to Passion… Even…
Your Performance and Pattern of Breathing
Say to me… Prince Prose
Speech So Rich – It Rush to my Toes!
In an Expressive – Race of Eloquence
Reach the Finished Secret of Each Sentence
Pronounce Your Heart… Prince Prose
I will Listen… Between the Rows
Of The Theatre of Your Sound Stage
I’ll Watch the Lyrical-Lines of Your Face Page…
Call-Out… Deep Voice… Commune!
May Your Lips Say Something, Soon
For Over All Men, I have Chose
To Love; to Hear… is my Prince Prose…
(and He Rose… and Spoke, my Name)