Priority Time
Our days are planned to the minute
Careers, children... we finesse all of it
Last anniversary was surreptitious
I find this troublesome and precarious
We keep gallivanting - acting nonchalant
Time to acquiesce - it's not what I want
When we attempt to set time aside for us
Too much Interference - too much fuss
Your texts today, I have to say, oh so hot
Schedules can be rearranged, can they not?
Your idea to rendezvous is certainly unique
A night of ecstasy is exactly what we need
You do logistics - I'll do administration
Make it a weekend - priority assignation
May 5, 2018
New Poem Contest 8 Difficult Words by Emile Pinet
ecstasy, rendezvous, unique, finesse, precarious,
gallivanting, nonchalant, acquiesce