Love Poem: Prodigal Son Lessons
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Prodigal Son Lessons

I said to my prodigal son
who stole from me,
it is not competitive economic strategies
that dominantly empower life;

Competitive ecologies and economies 
are dominantly decomposing monocultures,
just the opposite of regenerative synergetic praxis
and regenerative intent toward polycultures.

Monopolistic internal consumer-culture
develops into decomposing organic systems
dissonant cognitive 
and emotive 
and neural 
and digestive systems
diseased health and well-being
and politically dissociated systems,
all negatively trending toward closed-entropic,
swollen monolithic sad dismay 
replacing former therapeutic system 
glad array.

We need cooperatively dominant economies and ecologies
to reintegrate positive revolutions
that endo- and ecto-symbiotically evolve
dipolar co-arising life regenerating 
holistic healthy systems.

Competitive critical events,
like stealing from and stolen from,
struggling between painful suffering of ego-self consciousness
and "positive deviant" stress,
self co-arising right-brained redactive eco-precociousness

seeking bicamerally balancing contentment,
joint cooperative ego-eco echoing
incoming/outgoing waves 
of double-binding comprehensive co-passioness.

and yet stealthy 
nonverbal structures
of cosmo-neuro-logical information
evolves bilateral-analogical exflowation,
bicameral information co-redeems
transparently co-arising
EgoSelf+EcoOther resonant co-discernment.

"All money is a matter of belief"
said Adam Smith,
As all embodied wealth value 
is synergy 
for relief from self-isolating mind sorrow,
said Now MindTime to Here BodySpace.

Transparent matters 
of historic linear human progress belief
square-rooted in herstoric matriculture's transparent 
vulnerable co-communing energy
invites co-gravitational trauma relief 
from eco-political dissonating stress.

I love my prodigal self-infested son,
perhaps somewhat more than he yet has capacity
to love his wounded womb progenitor
speaking up and out
for restoring and restorying healthy
wealth of peace.