Love Poem: Promises Unfulfilled

Promises Unfulfilled

It seems that only yesterday we were planning your future and promises to be fulfilled in years to come...we started with a baby shower and gifts from everyone. We dreamed of a first birthday, a dream of your first graduation and first dance. A mother and fathers hopes of things yet to come. Now, here we are standing before God, asking him why has he taking our future of a child we had yet gotten to know, yet whom we had already loved. He, answered us with a fathers words of love..."They whom you have loved, yet have never known is never gone, a promise you long to fulfill is always yours to long as you trust in me and know that I have never placed more upon you than your hearts can stand, know that I'm a God of purpose and planning...and all that which I promised will be delivered unto you if you just trust and believe in your hearts and know that my love for you, was formed before you were even placed in the womb. Nothing leaves or enters this world without my permission, sometimes with great anguish, but nothing leaves or enters without a purpose." Keep planning for the future with an unbending love!