Prove To Me!!
Why cant u prove to me that u love me ??
stop playing games i hate it am tired of
laying in bed and crying for u i love u but
at time am not sure prove to me that ur worth
staying here am not a mind reader help me!!
Prove to me that am the only one u have eyes for
how can i trust u with u word prove it to me i want
a guy that loves me for me and not for some one
am not prove to me that i dont have to pretend to be
someone am not!!! prove to me that u love me help
me realize it!!
Why is it so hard for u to trust me stop yelling i cant hear
myself think help me i dont want to hate u!! the more u yell the more
the more i just want to run from u am tired of this !! Prove to me that
ur worth living for that u know what ur son is worth to u please dont fake!!
Prove to me that u love me ! That these last three years have not been a waist
that u love me prove it to me by taking me roses stop and think what i like
hold me, kiss me, pay attention to me!!?? I wake up at night wondering
what life would be like if u would just prove to me that u do love me
that all this was not a waist of time!!!