Love Poem: Psalm For the Broken
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Written by: John Stasukevich

Psalm For the Broken

Desperate, broken, needing love
Descending low through the air
Your Holy Spirit like a dove
Came to me in my despair

Confused, tattered, bitterly torn
Needing a full release
By your grace I am reborn
Now I know your loving peace

Day by day I’m seeking you
In your Word you are found
It tells me that I’m brand new
Your mercy and love richly abound

I am filled with joy and I sing
Blessing you with all my heart
Worshiping and praising my God & King
Honor and glory to You I impart

Thank you, Lord, for calling me
Out of the muck and mire
You opened my heart and eyes to see
It is truly You that I desire

		John Stasukevich