Purity Or Passion
Two paths lay in front of me
One was lit with the colors of purity
The other was strewn with the colors of passion
And I
Stood, still, forsaken
Looking at them
And wondering which one to choose!
The battle that waged in me was horrific
My heart conflicted with my soul
My desires clashed with my principles
My feminine yearnings longed to be satiated
But my conception of life simply tried to suppress these!
I stood, looking at them both for a long time
Dawns arose
And dusks dozed off
Each at their respective time
While, I, stood, just like a marble statue
Wondering at which would be my wisest choice!
But when existence itself had had enough
It blew across my gaze
A stark picture of truth
Which, when I lay my eyes on, shook and jolted me!
Pray,I knew then, which was to be my choice
Passion is bound to bring heartbreaks,
Purity, on the other hand, brings about sooth and peace!