Love Poem: Puzzle of Great Poetry
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Written by: Sidney Beck

Puzzle of Great Poetry


My mum liked poems a lot  -  loved  ‘em
She   used to  love “Ozymandius” and was proud 
To read another called  “Abou Ben Adhem”
She would often  read them to me  out loud.

I loved  them,  for their message was blunt
Now I find that I still love  them and admire
The great thoughts of Shelley  and  Hunt. 
And  to be as good a writer I aspire

Or is it  simply  that I was taught
To do what’s right,  never   shrinking 
And to behave  a certain way I  ought?
Such poems now easily fit my way of thinking

Their way  leads to the future brightly :
Poor people treated rightly,    and then
“Nothing beside remains,  ye mighty”              *
“Write me as one that loves his fellow men”      **

Note :
              *       From     OZYMANDIAS     by  Percy  Shelley
              **     From     ABOU  BEN  ADHEM      by Leigh  Hunt