Quail Eggs Risotto
May I taste the unbreakable bond to the perfect union of
Uni and quail eggs.Two true dancers
Stir vigorously
Agitate rice while it absorbs fish stock
May I never acknowledge obstacles to the perfect union of
Uni and sake.Two adventurers
Interlock freely
Fine-tuning Español while rice grains formulating starches
Inevitable extrovert – against all odds
Be Still:
Clouds cuddling while interexchange liveliness
Simply being still ~
Sounds of silence penetrates through skin into core existence.
Fusing breathes onto
Singularity – infinite dense core – falling and falling in, falling high,
Floating and floating deep, floating beyond general theory of relativity
Insanely radiant in seventh heaven melting into ashes,
Grilling in underpants under the moonlight, starlight, flashlight.
Choose this Mentally Sensitive trail by act of will.
Touch the natural color of faith
Or fear
Trust unknown territory of inner compass to Fill a void
Yes, you may ride the accelerator to the perfect union of
Professor and entrepreneur.
What’s more:
Maybe quail eggs lead to turkey sandwiches and squash blossom.