"The intensity of mutual affinity gradually turns passionate love into companionate love"
"Because different people react to different things differently at different points in
time, decency is a must to maintain order, largely because the human motive/intention
cannot be easily evaluated/determined/known"
"The higher the mutual affinity the greater the chance of achieving companionate love from passionate love"
"Love brings us all collectively, a step closer to realizing the truth and being partakers of the truth"
"The motive of any individual is one of the most difficult things that cannot always be easily determined"
“When the music of love surpasses the love of-for music then the world has started
realizing ~ knowing the truth ~ wisdom”
“In reality, the music of love dictates the pace of the rational love of-for music, not its understanding”
“The understanding of the music of love should induce orderliness”
“People’s love for music does not equate their understanding of the music of love”
“When the understanding of the music of love equates that of the love of-for music then
the truth has prevailed”
“When the need to know overcomes the need to be then will the music of love start equating
the love of-for music”
“Love is the highest height that a thought can ever reach”
"A picture is the combination of perspectives"
"A color reflects a perspective and the combination of colors reflects even more perspectives"
"Great orderliness is often always illogical-irrational to man"
My definition
Affinity is that which aims-tends to increase proximity (whether physically or psychologically) , complement and or compensate similarities and or differences. It is that which establishes identity with another or in another based on or regardless of compatibility and it is facilitated by the need-urge to resolve-complete-stabilize-reach equilibrium with-in another.