Love Poem: Racing



Racing, racing with the Life
With the Life
I am not racing with life
Just with the Life
Just with the Life
Only with the Life
Satan flies before me
Oh, my old brother
Thank you for your kind help
Can we fly together?
Will we fly together?
Satan said, yes, oh student
I said, thank you oh, my Master.

We are flying, flying and just flying
Together and together, forever.

Yes, yes, dear student. - He said
We always fly together. - Added he

Master, why are you sad? - I asked him
Because I am alone, people don’t like me. - He answered
I like you and love you - I said to him
I know, I know. That’s why I am always following you. - He said
Something happened to you? - I asked Satan
Yes, Yes, thousands of years ago I was an outcast in life
From life? - I asked him. - But you are alive and strong. I said to him
Yes, but people think I am an evil being. - He answered
No, no, you are not evil. I am your witness. You saved my life - I responded to him
Are you sure? - He asked
Yes, I am sure - I said to him
Shall we have a drink now? - Asked me Satan
Yes. - I said to him.


Vilmos: Master, can we fly?
Master: Do you think life is just racing?
Vilmos: Yes, the world is so fast
Master: Vilmos slow down.
Vilmos: What can I do now?
Master: Wait.
Vilmos: I am afraid
Master: Wait. Waiting is competition.