Love Poem: Radiant Romance
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Written by: Julianne Williams

Radiant Romance

Heart warm, I'm smiling and observe their smile with pride  
Hand in hand as we walk, my happiness radiantly shined 
The feeling of such certainty for them I feel inside  
How lucky to have found such love, luckiest to find 
It was love at first sight, eyes before you blind 
Such true kindness,they're selfless and to others always kind 
Since you, i to show thoughtfulness, positive thoughts in mind 
reminding them of their greatness, every day i will remind 
Take lead ill follow, never far cheering and following behind 
our future timeline I see clearly and fate perfectly aligned 
Grinding endlessly for our goals, a teamwork working grind 
She is brave and unworldly, she is Outspoken yet refined  
Lets take our time ,  love like ours cannot be timed 
Promising the whole of me, and a promise locked entwined