Love Poem: Rainbow Colored Camouflage
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Written by: CayCay Jennings

Rainbow Colored Camouflage

There is a call in the distance 
I know my future will witness.
No calm offer shields my bubble,
	it floats high to crash, then crumble …
Soon will come your final undone.

I use love-you-smiles to battle on
	while you destroy your own Avalon.
Real life constantly sabotages
	my feel beneath smiling camouflage.

I already hear gentle guitar chords sadly strum   
	and wish purifying, steady rain to rinse me numb.   
Doves will later all gather for a united coo                   
	as the world finally releases all forms of you.    

In a fire never man-begun,
	your purest force will heighten flames,
	your final quiet will be spun,
	and the sun in you will set tamed.
Then, upon your clear horizon
        dear peace will ease all my frightened.


... CayCay
March 16, 2017