Love Poem: Raindrops
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Written by: Chante Walker


Simple thoughts
into the vast ocean of my heart,
defining who you are to me—
the reasons I should keep you
happily by my side, always.

One quality at a time,
another facet of love,
into the pool
of my heartfelt feelings for you.

It condenses in my mind
becoming part of the busy cloud,
stirring continuously with
exciting memories,
affirming experiences.
I try to hold it together with my mind,
but inevitably it
into my heart and
adds to the vast ocean—
the purest collection of my emotions.

Then there are those moments
pouring in showers
hour by hour,
an overwhelming flood reminding me
why you're the one to whom I cling.
I want to give you everything.

So please,
let your love keep raining
into my heart as you always do.

In turn,
I'll reserve my heart for you.

Chanté Walker
Thursday December 5, 2024