Raindrops Dance On Rusting Sheets of Galvanize
The thunder roars
The lightning flashed the wind is strong
And raindrops dance on rusting sheets
Of galvanize
She clung to me, trembling and cold as the
Thunder roared with anger and the lightening
Struck, its violent brightness illuminating the
Old barn, illustrating the glittering wetness
Of her soft silky skin, she jumped and I held
Her close
As the lighting struck again I saw her eyes
Telling me she felt protected and as the rain
Drops danced on rusting sheets of galvanize
And the winds try to sent this place to a
Cruel demise I kissed the sparkling raindrops
That rested on her beckoning eyes
As the favor of her breast rest against my
Chest its protruding firmness sending waves
Of fervor through the corridors of my being
My hands explore the sculpture that is her
Body, touching her in every special place
She trembles speaks not a word but holds my
Face with adoring grace
As we lay amidst the bales of hay, I taste the
Liquid of her mouth now one with the lingering
Drops of rain and I feel the pulse of her parted
Thighs the oneness of bodies now in rhythm
With the night
And as the heavens opened and the thunder
Roared the winds blow against the old cedar door
and in the soggy moons light
Raindrops dance on rusting sheets of galvanize
And lightning flashed as if taking snapshots of
Time as it stood
It is that moment she says that she knew of
Earl S. Jackson
Aug 2006
Copyright © 2009 Earl S. Jackson, all rights reserved