Love Poem: Ravens to Doves
Michelle Morris Avatar
Written by: Michelle Morris

Ravens to Doves

Don't let anyone try to put you down or diminish your worth. Jealous and intimidated people always lash out at anyone who is deemed too powerful and unique. Keep shining your Light. No dimming it to allow Darkness to reign. We're here to change the World. We are the Light that is needed now more than ever.

Ravens to Doves
By Michelle Morris 

Know your power 
Know your worth
You're a star 
In the Universe 

Made from stardust 
Made from starlight 
You'll last forever 
Through your Soul bright 

Don't let jealous ones
Steal your Light
Don't let Darkness 
Own this Life

Shine your Light 
Own your power 
Live authentically 
In the here and now

You are needed
More than ever
Shine brightly 
Linked to Heaven

For God's Angels
Are our protection 
Let's choose Good
Make Dark rejected 

Heaven on Earth 
Peace and Love
We can change 
Ravens to Doves*

© Michelle Morris, 2024

* Ravens and doves are used as a contrast here. Especially in a world of black and white (in many areas of life) being opposites, rather than parts of a beautiful canvas. 

Remember that peace, light and love are more important than materialism, power and darkness.