Understanding like respect can be earned,
It is a classless, fool less image to be worn.
You can learn understanding but never teach,
I am smitten with your understanding of all things.
Feel it surging with the rolling ocean,
It is fury, biting the very core.
Something is not ignored, only covered,
In time, soil blows away, your cover forgotten.
Once again you captured the understanding,
What will you do with this powerful tool.
Will you wield like the lady’s sword of time,
Or will you let it calm your troubled waters.
Come with me, walking in the rain,
Let the skies coolant work an age-old charm.
Our thoughts drifting on a baring wind,
Your words entwined with comfort and consolation.
The search for the truth can seem a little fruitless,
As the understating, puts truth into place.
Carry on searching, for the truth is never ending,
The truth can only be sought, never fully learned.
I will never forget all we have shared,
I will wonder through time with you in mind.
Eternally embedded on an eye that sees all,
Eternally waiting our next, unplanned re-union.