Love Poem: Real Love
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Written by: James Ryan White

Real Love

Can you tell me where you are
I've traveled long and far
Just to find you
Might I remind you
You're the one
The one I've been searching for my whole life
Nights, they pass by and you're still not there
All these happy people it's just not fair
But are they happy
Or are they still searching 
Love lurking, living a lie
Because they can't find 
The one inside their mind
Like there is mine
Pause for a that's pathetic 
Love without love, I can't accept it
I wanna live like "The Notebook"
A movie where real love overtook
Overtook a love that was just a front
Comeback with a sequel just to stunt
So if you are fake you can find the door
Because real love is what I'm looking for

Author:  James Ryan White