Love Poem: Real Love Beholds Action and Truth
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

Real Love Beholds Action and Truth

Time pass
as I met this man on-line
he beheld light
shining ever so bright
we-- our hearts intertwined..
moments together
we would meet
strange things 
but yet sweet

But I never realized
until now...
Just dreams of dreams
Imagination... extremes
Words can paint many pictures
within hearts... within minds
but Truth is always prevails
In due time...

As time passed by
I realized... 
as he left
Tis Love we ??? 
just in words
as there was no action behind...
just words spoken...
yes True Words are a tokens to the heart
but words of Love spoken without action
Is just going through the motion

Anyone can express their Love
But for tis be Real...
Truth prevails...
Action.. and Truth must take place..
without action beholding Truth 
Love tis words in the air

Real Love beholds Action and Truth

As God gave Love
Action took place
Jesus died upon Cross
For All human race..
Love manifested... Risen
into Glory... Our Divine One
Our Savior... God's Only begotten Son
Real Love beholds Action and Truth

Action of Love Speaks Truth
Love in Action speaks louder then words