LOVE and PEACE walked quietly hand in hand,
Tears falling softly on the war-torn land,
Everywhere a reminder that CHAOS ran wild,
Today they came to bury HOPE their little child!
Sadly they watched how PAIN and FEAR clung on to those,
Who survived this and cowered beneath HATRED'S blows,
Chanting that God will soon see their enemies break,
Regardless how man must suffer for 'Religions' sake!
PEACE, walked with her robes trailing through blood and dust,
For coming towards them was their dear friend, TRUST,
Weeping softly she said, 'The bombs kept dropping until,
At last SILENCE came and the world grew deathly still!'
'There are only a few that still hold onto me,
But they use me in their belief in technology,
Bigger bombs and weapons to hold the enemy at bay,
And they turn a deaf ear to my cries of there's a better way!'
'This world is in TORMENT's hold and has to break free of his chains,
And APATHY must die, so that once more, it is FREEDOM that reigns!'
So PEACE began anew the building of the world's foundation,
'That every man and woman knew that FREEDOM enthroned their nation!
And LOVE came upon two children, in which HOPE was re-birthed,
Even though CHAOS***PAIN***FEAR threw at them their worst,
FREEDOM prevailed and the 'three' were forever banned,
To interfere with the earth and GOD's eternal plan!
And LOVE and PEACE gave birth to an awesome little girl,
Named CHARITY and she in turn touched the whole world,
People forgot about FEAR and reached out to embrace TRUST,
And now as if in shadow, lay, the remains of blood, carnage and dust!
©Jane Richer