Love Poem: Rebuke Me Not In Anger
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Written by: Jeff Kyser

Rebuke Me Not In Anger

Rebuke me not in anger,
Nor discipline in fury.
Be gracious unto me, O LORD,
I’m wasting here; please hurry!

My bones lament their troubles;
My soul is anxious too.
But you, O LORD - how long
Till I’m returned to you?

Save me for your splendid name,
Your staunch, unswerving love,
For death has no remembrance
From Sheol of You above.

I’m wearied from my moaning,
I flood my bed with tears.
My eyes are red because of grief;
I’m weak from all my fears.

Depart from me, you evil ones;
The LORD has heard my cries.
My supplications reach His ear,
To where He sits on high.

(From Psalm 6)