Love Poem: Recognition
Valsa George Avatar
Written by: Valsa George


“Mistaken that I was this body-mind,
I succumbed to desire and fell to fear
but on choosing pathways loving and kind,
light of God in heart began to appear
and truth of my true essence became clear,
which made in God’s image, is living light,
gripping us in rapture of bliss delight.” 
                      --- By ~ Unseeking Seeker~   
 I had once lived a life so full of desire and fear
  Ignoring my soul and my Heavenly Sire
   My life was never in concord with God’s design
    It was not a path charted along the sacred line.

 Through several annoying twists and turns of life,
  As I passed, I discerned how life is with problems rife.
   When into my life afflictions one after another poured,
    I heard an inner calling to turn to the Almighty God.

 Killing my ego, I humbled myself and kneeled in prayer
  It saved me from drowning into the dark dungeons of despair,
   He touched me, giving assurance that he will always be near
    I could feel his love so strong, so steadfast and so clear.

 Soon the focus on my body got diverted into my soul
  Banishing all my fears, His love turned me whole.
   I now have a heart so kind, ready to wipe another’s tears
    And soothe the ailing souls and swipe away their cares.

 In God, I find all my comfort and an anchor strong
  His light illumines my dark paths and leads me along
   Into my heart and my life, I have invited Him to stay
    And through ups and downs, with Him, I face each day.