Recollection of a Fallen
I , being one of many , to have fallen from heavenly grace , bear testimony
to my ungodly pride and tell my story in hopes of recompense . As if just yester
hour , justice was born unto me . The Tribunal message went thus...........
" In such case , as in many of the numberless , you knell now in prostration to
bear witness of self , as a now nameless , until future redemption . The most
high decree has remanded your return to your earthly confinement , to be given
also a new earthly garment , which becomes your prison within' a prison . You
will become veiled blindly , as to any memory of this decree without also any
forthright knowledge , until you regather , regain , reawaken and remember
yourself back into our heavenly folds . But , remember not as you have forgotten ,
but to , re-member yourself back into the love of god and heavenly paradise....." I knell in quiet contemplation , in my most highest regards and hope ,
that my earthly effort's are now properly profitable for my soon return back home .
For this earthly state of being has it's sense of a living hell . I now know , that it is
not how hard you fall , but how strong you stand back up , and allow that strength
be the love of God.......................Thanks be to God........................................................