So sacred are the words
That are flowing from me
I dare not consult rhythm, rhyme
This is TRUTH
The moment I saw outcome
I cried foul
This can NOT be
I did everything right
And my reward is
...wrong, short, a slap in my face
You are not loving, kind
A rewarder of those who diligently seek you
I have nothing...
....I AM nothing
In my despair
I braided my hair
I cleared the air
And I marched from there
...with OUT a care
For your FREAKING opinion
When all was said and done
I was more broken than whole
Though all was restored
I possessed NONE
How can restoration look like THIS
Relating to LOVE
IN WORD...must be TRUTH
The TRUTH of what...
Seeing you see me
In my perfect state
Reconciled to Father
With a pure slate
Did you know gold glistens in the giggles of the innocent
Written by Trudy Schrader on 06-20-2022