Love Poem: Reconciling the Heart
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Written by: Trudy Schrader

Reconciling the Heart

Broken, abandoned

But then you show up
...THE one

Anger poured forth
Like a whip in the wind
I could not endure YOU
YOU, always have to win

I didn't know love
Was some kind of sick game
Where people did horrible things
Then attached your sacred name

......but, then
.......................threw me a golden rope

Oh, but I had conditions
I would never again, do religion
Rules never saved anyone
And makes for too many cooks in a kitchen

If I'm walking, we are TALKING
If I have things to know, you alone, can show

No more freakin' lies
About how magic happens in the heart
When you appear to a child
Who hasn't had a moment to even start

What, were you marking territory
Making me some grand story
No matter how much healing
Still seems like life is stealing

I have walked, talked, and even balked
At "THE WAY" humans must travel
Choice points a fist, even now
As faith in religion begins to unravel
.....and we, the judge
...................reach for the gavel

There is no reconciling the wayward mind THAT HEART

............that LOVES, humanity
....................even unto to death

I lie prostrate before my KING
Though LOVE would allow me to stand
His holiness is sacred beyond thought
And anything this mind is allowed to understand
............HE IS GOD
................the end.

Written by Trudy Schrader on 04/04/2020