Love Poem: Red Flags

Red Flags

Did I not fall in love?
with a man in his boldness,
Matured at acuteness.
Ohhh he felt like home.

For the three months we pushed,
but haven't actually set eyes on each other
but, it felt like we knew each other.
I remember the days when he gave excuses for my "coming over"
I ignored the red flags
His Excuses felt like reasons enough to contain me.

I'll tell you what...
I was blind
Blinded by love.
How I chose to trust his word over what made sense.
How I betrayed my thoughts to delusions.

Did he not disappoint me?
On my calm day
And I remember it was a Friday
During working hours, towards ending hours.
I'll tell you what...
I got a call from the Hunk

Shocked I was than I could say worried,
He never called in those hours.
So, I answered with concern
And My heart sank a little when I heard voice of a woman.
But I was keen to hear what she had to say,
In actual fact to understand "why I am talking  to a woman with his phone"

Guess what?
It was a Chick of his
Claiming that I disturb her relationship with Him
Him-The man I thought I fell in love with.
I asked Only relevant questions than fighting over him
Never will I ever give a man that much of a pride.

I'd rather put him on a spot to decide,
but fighting over a man no, my pride DON'T allow me.
Now I asked her, "where is Clyde"
Did she not say they've exchanged phone?
Tell you what...
She said they work together.

Did I not feel like a dummy?
well, I laughed a little, it wasn't even funny
In question a tear dropped, I remember
In the same instant my jaw dropped
For everything started making sense.
However, left Wondering 
if he cheated with me or He cheated on me with her.
I still have no answer.
But I'll tell you what...
My heart dropped with every part of my being.