Red Pill Girl
Oh, you know what I want, I want me a Red Pill Girl
The kind that’s aware of the realities of the world
The kind who’s awake and her mind is unfurled
No sensory deprivation tank for my kind of girl
A self-aware she-babe makes my toes curl
Oh, I’d kinda get bored with a Blue Pill Chick
The kind caked in fake-up three feet thick
The kind who needs me to look smooth and slick
Playing along with her daydream is such Bolshevik
And floating in her pod would make me seasick
Oh, I can’t wait for my life with my Red Pill Hun,
‘Cause she will always be lots of fun
‘Cause she can do cartwheels while firing machine guns
Dodging those enemy bullets one by one
We’ll get white rabbits tattooed right on our buns
Oh, we’ll be so happy together, my Red Pill Wife
She knows that the Matrix is just endless strife
She knows how to fly spaceships and fight with a knife
Our kids’ spinning back kicks will be outta sight
And forever after, we’ll still be pals for life
Oh, my Red Pill Girl, my Red Pill Girl…