Love Poem: Red Pony -
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Written by: Justin Bordner

Red Pony -

The tribe she grew up in had troubles, they had tenacity too,
thunder in the pulse of nurturing, lightning in traditional strengths,
some called her a young arrow, sharp & carved well
with feathers found in the ancient forest,
others were jealous like rocks to rubies, squaw they said she was,
she would strike back, sometimes against herself,
cuts can feel meaningful whether from the mouth of mother
or from the blade of blame, Red Pony learned to stich her wounds,

she taught the Chief to care again,
the tribe would not starve,
brothers and sisters would forgive from respect rather than from sympathy,
Red Pony could travel to depths others found frightning,
she had to find herself in the shadows before teaching by light,

so young and so legendary, Red Pony taught the feilds to grow,
she showed how love could be a force deserving bravery,
I am Howling Wolf, she encouraged me to dance away from death,
Red Pony and I made love out of suffering and mystery -

J.A.B. %