Love Poem: Regret Me
Jessica Dawnn Avatar
Written by: Jessica Dawnn

Regret Me

You will regret me I said waveringly 
not realizing the seriousness of the words just spilt out over my tired lips
you will regret not treating me the way you treat other girls
for is my worth compared to a stack of bananas on the shelf, im the one constantly left off the bunch too rotten for banana bread
you will regret not loving my bigger body 
for the smaller one will never be touched by your hands, even though it was your actions and falsifying words that built this body
you will regret me
you will never see this version you created
a Frankenstein who never meets her master, be it better than coming to life for you over and over again for a small volt and bolt of love to be left strapped to the table and never played with. For my loneliness is louder than the rattling of the chains left on the dungeon walls 
 my actions might not be innocent in this plagiarized tragedy you are acting out here 
but you wore the leading roles shoes very well
I will regret you I said knowingly 
Steering right back into the tornado. waiting for it to hit just to feel the eye of relief so I can feel your love one more time