Love Poem: Reincarnation
Steven  Mwakatundu Avatar
Written by: Steven Mwakatundu


A few branches of flowers seemed less, so I planted a garden
A simple love message wasn't good enough, so l wrote you a whole story
A few hours of my time wouldn't cut it, so l gave you my eternity
l have the best of cologne and branded clothes just for this moment.
Love is in the air I feel it in the nostrils

But then It hits me....
l have done this ritual many times a number
and yet i cant rid of this insatiable hunger

Let's pause and reflect for a moment
It's funny how my hands have familiarised with the contours of your figure, but i haven't figured you out
I guess we were haste in exploring the depths of our desires, ignoring what the covenant was all about

l ain't letting us "cross when we get there"
Surely, my lack of Gym time won't deter me from "having my chest out"
Better now than later before we become "water under the bridge"

Let's not get lost in the fragrance of flower petals here array
Nor the scents of the red candles on display
Lest we forget that which is going astray

It's time for reincarnation of what we are.