Love Poem: Rejection
Jeanette Huston Avatar
Written by: Jeanette Huston


Rejection is a way of protection.
I do it to protect myself from predators of the heart.
It keeps my priorities impart.
Why is the world so animalistic?
I suffer from experienced love pained colic.
When they ask I say no.
Then I ask them to go.
Its rejection.
I have a negative projection.
It’s the way I feel.
There no way I can heal.
Theirs no point.
Is their anyway life can anoint.
Rejection is tainted,
When love is colorfully painted.
I am rejection depicted.
An awful outcome is what I have predicted.
I am an organic play for a loves selfish way.
So if I say no.
Its because reality is what I know.
Rejection may be a low blow,
But love shouldn’t be out of our control.
Rejection actually is a settle goal,
Filled with ambitions of a serious soul.
Rejection consume me.
Rejection own me.
Rejection is me.