Relationship Scrabble
The letters of our language are unique and our own,
creating spellings unheard of and vocabulary unknown.
You send ‘imagidink’ through my ‘soigroundcrete’
and I ‘appberryana’ across your ‘voictalspeak’.
You place ‘forgemory’ below my ‘swimketball’,
I ‘sofchailow’ above ‘phorincall’.
Our gaming squares merge ‘upsangety’ for emotions new,
and ‘chopicany’ for debates and points of view.
They introduce ‘bagovel’ about reading and ‘shapeasel’ about art,
meld ‘caplarry’ to plan travel and use ‘freshinning’ for a new start.
Our words are a vernacular to trump any triple word score,
not confined to a board but free to ‘leviflysoar’.